Creating and Editing PDFs


If there is any theme emerging from this blog, its that I like cheap. Personally, I like to think that I just like value. Who wants to pay $14.99 every month for a program to edit PDFs (Adobe Acrobat DC) every once in a while? One of the best free online services that replaced my need for Adobe Acrobat is DocHub.

DocHub can do most everything that you need to create and edit PDFs. As a very casual user, I use it mostly to fill out PDF forms and it's been a lifesaver. The nice part is that you can link it to your favorite cloud storage and DocHub PDFs can be saved directly into your folders.

Pros: Simple and intuitive, free editing of 2000 documents, does everything you would want for personal use.

Cons: In rare instances, I had difficulty downloading to my cloud storage, but it was usually resolved by just refreshing my browser.